Policy Recommendations on Climate Disaster Resilience, Recovery and Funding

The Climate Advisory Team’s policy paper describes actions Hawaiʻi can take immediately while simultaneously building the foundation for long-term policies that will help Hawaiʻi survive and respond to future disasters. The policy paper includes recommendations to inform the administration’s legislative priorities for the 2025 legislative session and beyond.

Primary Findings

  • Seventy-one percent of respondents believe what happened in Lahaina could happen in their community, but only 39% think their community is prepared for a natural disaster.

  • Events in Hawaiʻi and beyond show us that the frequency and severity of disasters are increasing

  • The ongoing expected annual loss to all properties in Hawaiʻi due to hurricane, wildfire, flood and earthquake damage is $1.4 billion.

  • Increasing risk from disasters will exacerbate Hawaiʻi’s cost-of-living crisis

  • The growing crisis in the insurance market further exacerbates Hawaiʻi’s cost of living crisis.

  • Hawaiʻi cannot afford to wait.

Policy Recommendation Areas

Financial Commitment

  • Establish two new state funds: Hawaiʻi Climate Resilience Fund and Hawaiʻi Disaster Recovery Fund

  • Seek revenue for these funds that will not place financial burden on Hawaiʻi’s residents and most vulnerable kamaʻāina.

  • Establish a Hawaiʻi office in Washington, D.C. to pursue federal funding opportunities with a priority on climate disaster and related areas

Thriving Environment

  • Remove invasive plant species that fuel wildfires and replace with species that reduce risk

  • Restore and conserve natural protections against storm surges, tsunami and inland flooding

Community Resilience

  • Create a Hawaiʻi Fortified Homes retrofit grant program to fortify residential structures against wind damage

  • Promote community resilience through pre-disaster education and coordination, including an annual conference

  • Fund community-driven efforts to develop resilience hubs and subsidize ongoing operations

  • Upgrade emergency communication systems and processes

Government Kuleana

  • Establish a permanent Hawaiʻi Resilience Office

  • Continue the state’s focus on implementation of infrastructure improvements that reduce critical systems vulnerabilities

  • Support, expand and appropriately resource the Office of the State Fire Marshal; continue collaboration with FSRI; expand Fire Adapted Communities programming

Financial Recovery

  • Establish a Disaster Recovery Fund for the most vulnerable Hawaiʻi residents

  • Develop transparent procedures for rapid disbursement of relief funds

2025 session bills based on CAT recommendations

*Indicates bills introduced as part of Governor Green’s 2025 package

Expand the bills below to view a brief description and links to relevant CAT testimony.

  • HB1076 & SB1395 establish the Climate Mitigation and Resiliency Special Fund. Mandates the allocation of all earned interest from the Emergency and Budget Reserve Fund to the newly established special fund. Appropriates funds.

    Read the CAT’s SB1395 February 3, 2025 testimony

    Read the CAT’s HB1076 February 4, 2025 testimony.

  • HB1077 and SB1396 establish the Climate Mitigation and Resiliency Special Fund and the Economic Development and Revitalization Special Fund. Beginning January 1, 2026, increases the Transient Accommodations Tax. Allocates funds generated by the increase to the newly established funds.

    Read the CAT’s HB1077 February 4, 2025 testimony.

    Read the CAT’s HB1077 February 12, 2025 testimony.

  • HB1467 establishes the Strengthen Hawaiʻi Homes Program within the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism to administer grants to retrofit residential properties to enhance resilience against disaster impacts and reduce potential insurance liabilities. Establishes the Strengthen Hawaiʻi Homes Program Special Fund. Appropriates funds. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1)

    Read the CAT’s February 5, 2025 testimony.

    SB1375 establishes the Strengthen Hawaiʻi Homes Program to encourage single-family homeowners to retrofit their homes to resist damage by providing for grants to help offset the cost of retrofits. Appropriates funds.

  • HB1064 & SB1383 amend the laws concerning the Office of the State Fire Marshal to best effectuate the recommendations of the "Phase 3" Forward-Looking Report by Fire Safety Research Institute on the August 2023 Maui wildfires.

    Read the CAT’s HB1064 January 29, 2025 testimony.

    Read the CAT’s HB1064 February 11, 2025 testimony.

  • HB1139 & SB1458 establish within the Department of Land and Natural Resources the environmental stewardship fee program to collect a fee from visitors through an environmental stewardship license and allocate the revenue to protect, restore, and manage natural and cultural resources through grants to nonprofit organizations. Establishes the environmental stewardship fee special fund. Establishes the Environmental Stewardship Commission to make recommendations to the Board of Land and Natural Resources regarding the use of revenues in the special fund. Requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources to conduct rulemaking. Requires a report to the legislature, including an environmental stewardship fee strategic plan. Creates civil or administrative penalties to be imposed after July 1, 2030. Appropriates funds.

  • HB1262 adds, as an allowable use of the Emergency and Budget Reserve Fund, economic payments to certain residents who have incurred losses in a disaster for which the Governor has declared a state of emergency. 

    Read the CAT’s February 7, 2025 testimony.

The CAT will also be reviewing and submitting testimony on many other bills based on alignment with the CAT policy recommendations. We look forward to jointly advocating with our colleagues who are advancing bills aligned with CAT recommendations.

Policy Paper: Frequently Asked Questions

Updated January 27, 2025
Mahalo to all of the community members who have submitted questions and comments thus far. Based on the questions received, the CAT has grouped common topics and provided the following responses: 

  • The CAT proposes fourteen actionable policy solutions for consideration by Governor Green and the Hawaiʻi State Legislature. These fourteen policy recommendations represent specific ideas, born out of the 60+ in-depth interviews conducted by the CAT during its research phase, together with the combined expertise of the CAT members and consultants. Three of these ideas specifically require legislative action. They include: 

    • Establish a new Hawaiʻi Climate Resilience Fund, which would provide substantial and stable financial support for prioritized environmental and infrastructure resilience projects.

    • Ensure disaster recovery funds will be available to provide financial assistance to the most vulnerable residents after disasters occur.

    • Support, expand, and appropriately resource the Office of the State Fire Marshal and community programs to adapt to fire risk.

  • The policy paper provides a conceptual overview of how these funds can be administered equitably and transparently. The Climate Advisory Team suggests a system where applicants to the resilience fund are required to describe how they intend to maximize the investment dollar they are requesting. Through reporting and tracking, the administrator or commission overseeing the fund can see how those investments are benefiting the public and the environment. The CAT does not provide a detailed mechanism for administering the funds as this will be the kuleana of our elected officials who will decide what to do with these recommendations and how to encapsulate them into laws.

  • Sign up for email updates at www.hawaiiclimateadvisoryteam.org; the CAT will continue to send key information and action alerts throughout the legislative session.

  • If you have specific questions, please contact us using the inquiry form on the CAT website here: https://www.hawaiiclimateadvisoryteam.org/contact. We will do our best to get you the information you’re looking for.

  • While the immediate issues have been assigned to the Property Insurance Task Force, our recommendations are meant, in part, to look at the long-term work needed to bend the curve back on property insurance. Other states and areas have determined that significant resilience work, especially in the form of conservation and improving built environments, is important for long-term positive impact on the insurance market.

  • The renewable energy transition is critical to disaster resilience and addressing vulnerabilities in our local communities. The transition to renewable energy allows us to be solely responsible for our resources and energy independence at every level amplifies resilience. At the household level, every home with rooftop solar is more independent after a storm and can help the neighbors around them. By supporting the expansion and development of resilience hubs, which should include a microgrid, communities will be more prepared and resilient in the event of a disaster. While decarbonization and climate mitigation were not the primary focus of the CAT, we recognize that the renewable energy transition is critical to disaster resilience moving forward.

  • The CAT was convened as a short-term advisory team with the specific task of formulating policy recommendations in advance of the 2025 legislative session. The CAT recognizes the need for oversight, accountability and continuity in implementing these recommendations, which is one of the key reasons the Policy Paper recommends a permanent Hawaiʻi Resilience Office. Such an office would lead Hawaiʻi’s coordinated strategic approach to improving resilience and preparedness for climate-related disasters.

  • A permanent Hawaiʻi Resilience Office (HRO) would provide the necessary leadership and coordination of a strategic, integrated approach to improve Hawaiʻi’s resilience and preparedness pre-disaster. This mandate differs from the role of the temporary Hawaiʻi Office Recovery and Resiliency (HRO), which is focused largely on post-disaster and long-term recovery efforts rather than resilience planning. The interagency State of Hawaiʻi Climate Commission, attached to the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), has the important kuleana of coordinating and gathering the latest science and information on climate change impacts on Hawaiʻi and focusing on the long-term “stressors” or pressures that make climate events more likely and severe. A permanent Hawaiʻi Resilience Office (HRO) would complement the Climate Commission’s work and build on the work of the existing temporary HI-ORR by focusing on preparing the state to minimize the negative effects of disasters by coordinating pre-disaster resilience efforts across state agencies, the four counties, private organizations and community groups. Working together, the Climate Commission and the proposed HRO will build a stronger, more disaster-ready Hawai’i.

  • The Climate Advisory Team has received very helpful expert feedback from the Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DLNR-DOFAW) on its desired adjustments to the proposed spending in the CAT policy paper.

    Currently, the bills being considered by the State Legislature do not detail the spending proposals, but during the legislative process, the CAT may be asked to provide a detailed spending plan. In that case, the CAT will consider expert comments from DOFAW for adjustments to our policy paper recommendations.

    We believe $55 million per year should be allocated for the fortification of natural makai and mauka protection. DOFAW recommends that a quarter ($13.75 million) be spent on priority coral reefs, beaches, dunes and fishponds and three quarters ($41.25 million) be spent on enhancing forest and watershed protection. This is because of the magnitude of work needed in the mauka areas, which are estimated to cost around $2,000/acre. Examples of these projects are here: https://arcg.is/0GOfL10.


Share Your Manaʻo

With the release of this policy paper of findings and recommendations, we welcome input from the public, legislators and subject matter experts. The CAT will take comments into consideration while advocating for specific legislation to support these objectives during the 2025 legislative session and beyond.